SIRC - Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari

Registration – XXII CONGRESSO SIRC 2019

The Registration to the Meeting is mandatory to be enabled to attend the Sessions and the Conference events (Welcome Party, Lunches, Coffee Breaks, and Social Events). Paid Registration is also mandatory to have the accepted Abstract included in the published Conference Proceedings and eventually Vascular Pharmacology. To this end it is mandatory to complete the registration process by the deadline of October the 15th, 2019. Please follow the instructions herein described:

The registration procedure is as follow:

  • you must proceed with the Payment by Bank Transfer (IBAN: IT17C0760102400000025038407 or for Italians only Conto corrente n: 25038407 – postal payment slip).
  • send your payment receipt As Soon As Possible, as it takes some time to process the payment, to

Your payment should be received, preferably, by us on or before October 28th, 2019.

Failure to pay the required amount on this date could result in the exclusion of the Abstrac(s) from the Conference Proceedings. Nevertheless, payment can be completed even at the meeting avenue by cash.

Conference Fees

SIRC 2019 conference fees cover: attendance of Conference Delegates to the Sessions of the Conference, Welcome Reception & Conference material, all Conference Lunches, all Coffee Breaks.

SIRC 2019 conference fees are as follows:

Before October 15th/After October 15th

Regular Member registration 90 €/150 €

Regular Non-Member registration 300 €/350 €

Member PhD Student (Unemployed)* 40 €/50 €

Non-Member PhD Student (Unemployed)* 120 €/150 €

One-day registration

Regular Member, Non-Member 150 €

Member PhD Student (Only, Unemployed)* 60 €


For all (Member, non-Member, Students) willing to attend the Social Dinner an Additional Fee is required:

Before September 30th/After September 30th

Additional Banquet Dinner** 40 €/60 €

* A Certificate must be send together to the Bank transfer receipt at
** In the reason for the payment, specify that 40 € are paid as a contribution to the SIRC for the organization of the social dinner.